Blog Summary
Eleven weeks ago I created this blog, unsure of how I should approach it, I started searching for leadership quotes on pinterest. Which I have to admit, is where the bulk of my blog photos and quotes came from. At that point in time, I wasn’t exactly sure what leadership meant to me. Sure I’ve taken various leadership theory and development classes before this, but never reflected too much on exactly what leadership meant to me. This blog gave me the opportunity to do just that. It caused me to think a little deeper and pay closer attention to my own actions and those around me. Now, eleven weeks later I still can’t say I have leadership figured out, and I may never have it completely figured out, but I’ve learned what type of leader I aspire to be and what kind I hope I never turn out to be. I want to be the type of leader that others want to follow, one that shows their interest in their followers and is committed to their development just as much as my own. Not one that is unsupportive, unhelpful and unwilling to sit down and get to know their staff. One of my biggest takeaways from this course is that there is a significant difference between a leader and a manager. Just because you are one does not mean you are the other. A manager is someone who plays by the rules and makse sure the job is done correctly. Following a very strict guideline with a task focused attitude, with no regard for those hurt in the process as long at the task is complete. Where a leader is someone who makes sure things are done right, with completing the task as the end goal but with a very different way of achieving this goal, by taking care of the followers first, knowing that the task will then be in great care.